Feb 22, 2018

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Five Things I’ve Learned About Worrying And Why It Really Doesn’t Help

Photo: www.nappy.co

Over the years I’ve been told that I worry too much. Especially, when I was younger. As I get older, I’m much better at taming that worrying beast. I think worrying is natural, especially being a mother. When you’re responsible for someone’s life, it’s more than likely you’ll worry about them. Your mind is constantly trying to confirm if you’re actions as a parent is right or wrong.  Life naturally causes us to worry about bills, our families, being successful and just about anything you can think of.

It requires a different way of thinking to change how you deal with worry and worrisome situations.  It takes time and maturity for the most part. As you grow and gain different life experiences, you realize worrying really doesn’t help you. There’s no benefit to it. You get better at learning not to sweat the small stuff, deal with the big stuff and you gradually figure out what is truly important. Some people do breathing exercises, others are great with self-talk.

Here’s what I’ve learned about myself when I worry,

  1. It causes stress and stress can affect my health. Without my health, I’m no good to myself or anyone else.
  1. At no time has worrying helped my situation. Not one time!
  1. The faster I am able to calm my emotions, I can use my brain power to figure out a solution. I actually spend less time worrying.
  1. Pray about it. If you believe in a higher power like I do, just leave it with him, her or the universe (or whatever). An answer will come. It may not be the way you expect but a solution will appear none-the-less.
  1. Worrying clouds my judgment. So keeping calm helps me think clearly.

The reality is, some people worry more than others. Like I said, I am naturally a worry wart but it’s getting better. For the most part, it’s easier said than done to tell yourself, “Stop, think logically and do not let this stressful situation get to you.”  Changing our mindset sometimes requires a bit of advice or guidance on how to do it. Through my life experiences, I’ve been able to deal with worrying a lot less. I’ve also learned a few tips and tricks from the book  “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.” 

There are too many tips to list but here are my top three,

1.  One grain of sand at a time, one task at a time. I know we’re told that multi-tasking is a great skill to have but you simply can’t do two things at once. Well, at least not effectively.

2.  Let’s be content to live the only time we can possibly live: for now until bedtime.

3.  Discover the worst that could possibly happen, accept it and then use your time to improve upon the worst.

Worrying sucks just like any negative emotion we feel but if we can tackle it on head-on, I truly believe we’ll live a much longer, healthier life.






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